Other Services

Standing Orders
Magherafelt & District No. 3 Credit Union Ltd offers a Standing Order facility where members can pay into their shares or loan accounts directly from their current account.
If you wish to avail of this facility please contact our Registered Office and we will issue you with the appropriate form. Please remember to include your Credit Union Account Number on this form (this is the 6 digit number starting with 10xxxx noted on the front cover of your wallet.
Social Security Benefits
Magherafelt & District No. 3 Credit Union Ltd can now accept Social Security payments directly into your Credit Union account.
These benefits include:
- Child Benefit
- DLA/Attendance Allowance
- Income Support Retirement Pension/Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit/Working Tax Credits
- Job Seekers Allowance
- Employment Support Allowance
- Carer's Allowance
These benefits can be transferred by the Credit Union to pay into your shares or loan account. Please contact us if you wish to avail of this service. We will need your National Insurance Number, details of the benefit due and the amount of the payment. Dividend will be paid on all amounts lodged to your share account.

Fuel Stamp Scheme
The Mid Ulster Council fuel stamp scheme is available in the Credit Union. Stamps (£5.00) are available at the counter.